Michael T. White Memorial Foundation

Home Biography Memories Events Photos Officers F.C. Frederick Soccer


Michael was born to us on July 19, 1991. He was the youngest child having two older sisters. Michael was always considered a special gift by his mother Cheryl because she came home from the hospital with him on her birthday. He was always a very happy and active child. He was always the center of attention being the baby of the family. Wherever he went he always came home with a toy or some kind of present to the dismay of his sisters! Michael loved every aspect of life from school, to family, and sports. He had always been a morning person and breakfast was his favorite meal. There was always three to four kinds of cereal in the house because that was all he would eat. Michael was always an easy going child. He never minded getting up for school, doctor's appointments or even the dentist. It was this quality that enabled him to make relationships so easily.

Michael started playing soccer at the age of five following in the footsteps of his sisters. From the begining of his atheletic career he played year round. Through soccer he gained many friends. He introduced his friends in the neighborhood to soccer and they introduced him to other boyish games. They would stay out until dark and then Michael would call home. He never liked being out after dark and would call his family to come and bring him home even if he was only a block away.

Through his neighbors Michael was introduced to the Keymar Church. He absoultely loved going there and never wanted to miss a night of club house. He always made sure that even if he had soccer practice he was home in time to go to church. Michael also knew that if he did not have his chores done that he would not be able to attend clubhouse. Needless to say his chores always were completed though sometimes he had to be reminded.

Cheryl always considered Michael her baby boy and she used to call him boy. She always knew when it was getting dark when he was riding his dirt bike because she would hear the sound in the distance coming closer and closer. She could never keep Michael inside. The rain, the heat, nor the cold would keep him and his friends indoors. He was always outside enjoying life. He loved everything about the outdoors except for spiders. Cheryl and his family considered him the most gentle boy that they have ever known. He never had a negative word about another individual.

His family never knew he had such a spiritual side until after his death. After learning how much he truly loved the Lord we knew that he had come home to God. On June 27th, 2006 Michael and his friend Thomas Plunkard went to look at high water that had come from the days of rain Frederick county had received. Michael had met Tom when he was around eight years old. From that time they were unseperable. They were last seen that evening and were found 2.5 days later. The high water claimed two lives that day.

Michael is missed everyday and was loved by so many people as much as he loved them. Even though Michael was a young man when he passed he will always be that little boy to his family. One of the most comforting things to his family was learning how much he was loved by his community. He touched many people and his memory will never be forgotten. It is the wish of the White family to grow through their loss by sharing what Michael meant to them. It is their hope by giving back through this scholarship Michael's legacy will live on.